Sunday, August 31, 2008


I haven't written in here for a while and I guess its about time to...

Things have been pretty steady and cruising smoothly. I know I have done my study and I'm ready (not sounding over confident) for exams.
I have a greater understanding on some issues now and I'm happy that I found it out for myself.

For one,
I am no longer crushing on some guy. Hehe its playful and there's nothing wrong in that, I just no longer feel like I need to like someone. If god wants to send someone for me, then that's his wish, but he isn't sending currently so.. I'm not falling for anyone right now. And I'm happy that way.

My goals in future are clearer and more precise, and I'm so excited to go to MDIS next year and to have my first ever job during the 3 month holiday and to visit Katie during Christmas.

When you have so many things to be happy about, why think of the sad? Wouldn't everyone be happier if they thought about the things they have and be grateful instead of being upset over something they don't have.
If any of this is being hypocritical of myself (Which I strongly doubt) then I apologise. I have changed myself for what I believe is the better.

Sometimes people do feel sad, its inevitable, and its always easier to let the bad memories and thoughts take over your mind, But if you can help yourself change one or forget one bad moment each day, you'd be a much better person to yourself and others.

My faith and belief in God has strengthened during the past 2 weeks and I didn't realise. I have always been grateful for whatever I have but sometimes I do neglect and reflecting back now, it was foolish but hey, Humans were made to make mistakes so we can learn from them, Life after all is a learning journey and the challenges you face along the way are opportunities for you to apply your knowledge. If you are wrong or you fall, everybody falls, its your choice whether you want to get back up and try again with a different method or to just lie there.

I watched a movie today, 'A Walk to Remember' starring Shane West and Mandy Moore. Its an incredible movie that teaches you above true love, and having total faith and understanding in the Lord. There are also songs that Mandy Moore sang for and during the movie which are just beautiful, like 'Only Hope' and 'Cry'. And there is one quote in the movie that I love and I'll end this post with that;

Love is always patient and kind, and is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and it is not resentful.