Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Day out....

Friday I crashed forehead against forehead with Mickey. Quite hilarious actually, We were playing Dodge Ball for PE and well.. Mickey and I were facing each other. We ran straight into each others forehead and immediately a lump the size of half a ping pong ball formed centre of my forehead. Nothing happened to Mickey though. Thank god.

I couldn't stop laughing about it even though it hurt like hell, and people called me crazy because of that. It swelled pretty badly, but my friends, Jolyn, Jac, Winnie and little brothers Marcus and Nicky and little sister Eli, all took good care of me.

A day after rubbing medicinal oil and ointment, the swelling spread down to the bridge of my eyebrows, and turned my eye bags blue-black. No make-up could hide it.
But I don't care. Still hurts like hell though :S

So it was a day out and I needed it, stress relief and a great friend to spend it with. Winnie. It was her 18th birthday on Saturday and I gave her present today.
I was looking forward to this day for ages, and well it takes a bad morning to ruin it all.

Don't get me wrong now, I had a ball with Winnie, She's loads of fun but a certain someone made me so upset before I left the house.

Winnie cheered me up and we went to the movie, Batman the Dark Knight, In memory of the late Heath Ledger.
We booked the ticket and the seats for the 2:15pm show and the Transvestite of a sales 'shemale' gave us the wrong timing >:[ 12:15 but Winnie and I didn't realise until the end of the movie. WE MISSED OUT ON LIKE HALF THE MOVIE! THANK YOU SHEMALE

But we still had a great time, Went to Swensens, took some piccies went shopping.

A neoprint

All was great till we took a rest at Starbucks. I recieved a phone call from a certain someone demanding my return home even though I said I'd be Home at 8:30pm
I couldn't the stress. I just wanted one day away from meetings, studies, school family, and I wasn't allowed.
Is that so selfish of me?

Sigh, tomorrow is another day..