Thursday, May 8, 2008


Exams are Overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Celebrate!!! Partyy!! Sushi!!!!!! Hahaha Tomorrow Winnie and I are going to a sushi buffet to celebrate. Initially, Cherry, Syafiqa, Mickey and Jolyn were supposed to join us but they had their own problems so its okay, Winnie and I are going, I need the stress relief!

The exams went better than I expected and I'm quite happy with how I did. Oh, Why should I talk about exams! It's time to forget and enjoy for a while!!!

On Saturday I'm meeting Mingyi, Oh and I miss her so much!!! I'm so excited to see her again and we're going to watch 'Over her dead body'. Sounds alright =)

Ohhhh I feel so relaxed right now, with a cup of Earl Grey tea and the Air conditioning, It's perfect...For now hehe...

You have to watch this video by Declan GallBraith when he was younger. He's a singer with such a powerful voice at such a young age. I'm guessing that he's about my age now as you'll see from the second video. His songs are to die for! Absolutely breathtaking.

Tell Me Why- Declan GallBraith Age 10

Aint he a cutie!!

Ego you- Last year.
OMG Stunning and his voice, looks, .... MY FUTURE HUSBAND!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Long weekend

Well it's considered a long weekend for me though, because Monday I have no paper to attend because it's the mother tongue paper. So yeah relaxing is good

Yesterday I burned my hand. I was going to fry a fish to eat with my pasta, so I heated up the stove and the oil was in the pan. I think I left it on for too long that's why when I went to put the fish in, the hot oil splatter and landed on my hand! from the knuckle of my thumb to my wrist. It hurt like a bitch! I iced it for several hours and I could still feel the burn. But thank god it was okay before the engagement party.

Anyways it was my cousin Aini's engagement party yesterday. Actually I don't know many of my relatives that's why it felt a little awkward for me. Especially when we were walking down the stretch of men that lined up outside the house! I felt so awkward because they were all staring at me. I don't know whether it was good or bad but I was definitely intimidated! We had dinner there and I conversed with a few of my cousins that I was close with. Sigh, but there's one of my cousins which I'd like to get to know him because he seems nice, but he intimidates me.

Most of my cousins are older than me. I'm most likely the youngest out of all of them. And there are A LOT of them...

The engagement party was quite alright but it was definitely different from the ones in Australia. Over there, there'd be plenty of games and jokes, but here it's rather formal with having photography and formal meetings with people.

Overall it's exposure to different cultures and it's a good way to learn something new.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Labour Day

Whooooo! Labour Day, So its a day at home and rest. Just the break I needed from studying But tomorrow I have that Social studies and Maths exams I mentioned earlier :(

(Ashley, Me and Jodie D)

It's so important for me to study right now because my bestie Katie in Australia invited over to live with her for a holiday last year, but I couldn't go because I went to Melbourne for an Art course. My parents said maybe next year (2008) they'll let me go.

The subject came up again the other day when I was talking to Katie on msn, and I ask Dad and he said I can only go if I get all As for the N levels I'm sitting for this year. Nothing is impossible so I'm trying but I really really want to go. I miss them all so much. I think I would cry if I didn't get the marks I wanted.
(Katie and Kirralee>)

Anyways, my brother came home today since it's a public holiday so everyone is at home but he has to go back tonight. He's a sergeant for BMT (Basic Military Training) in Tokong. He trains the recruits of the army. But he finishes his service next year in June. I miss him everyday when I don't see him because he's my only brother and I love him a lot. You have to cherish the time you have with your loved ones because you'll never know when they'll leave you. It's another reason why I really want to visit my mates. I miss them so much.

(^ My brother Elyas and Me after his pass out parade as a sergeant)