Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oohh....1st ever

Oohh...Well this is my first ever post in my first ever blog and it is exciting! hehe
Well, I've always been interested in creating one, but I never actually got around to doing it and I guess if you want something you should pursue it, and fail or triumph, at least you tried and had a go, Because the greatest failure in life is not participating.

Anyways, This is a online diary of my life and the thoughts and ideas that are always built up in my mind. Its good to take the
m down and keep track. Feel free to comment or message on my blog.

Hmm... So Should I begin with my day?...
Well currently, I doing my Mid year examinations and yes I have to study hard. It is stressful but its for my own benefit.
Today's paper was Art, 3 hours of constant concentration with a hint of panic.. Heh but I didn't quite like my exam painting, I felt like something was missing,
But I hate my Art teacher anyways.
Its a drag to do art in that class of hers, and I love art which makes the feeling somewhat irritating for me!

But eh, I'm feeling relaxed now since the paper is over but on Friday I have Social Studies and Maths! Stress!